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Freeman’s- Power



商品訊息描述 From the voices of protestors to the encroachment of a new fascism, everywhere we look power is revealed. Spouse to spouse, soldier to citizen, looker to gazed upon, power is never static: it is either demonstrated or deployed. Its hoarding is itself a demonstration. This thought-provoking issue of the acclaimed literary annual Freeman’s explores who gets to say what matters in a time of social upheaval. Many of the writers are women. Margaret Atwood posits it is time to update the gender of werewolf narratives. Aminatta Forna shatters the silences which supposedly ensured her safety as a woman of color walking in public space. Power must often be seized. The narrator of Lan Samantha Chang’s short story finally wrenches control of the family’s finances from her husband only to make a fatal mistake. Meanwhile the hero of Tahmima Anam’s story achieves freedom by selling bull semen. Australian novelist Josephine Rowe recalls a gallery attendee trying to take what was not offered when she worked as a life-drawing model. Violence often results from power imbalances—Booker Prize winner Ben Okri watches power stripped from the residents of Grenfell Tower by ferocious neglect. But not all power must wreak damage. Barry Lopez remembers fourteen glimpses of power, from the moment he hitched a ride on a cargo plan in Korea to the glare he received from a bear traveling with her cubs in the woods, asking—do you plan me harm?Featuring work from brand new writers Nicole Im, Jaime Cortez, and Nimmi Gowrinathan, as well as from some of the world’s best storytellers, including US poet laureate Tracy K. Smith, Franco-Moroccan writer Le?la Slimani, and Turkish novelist Elif Shafak, Freeman’s: Power escapes from the headlines of today and burrows into the heart of the issue.

  • 作者: Freeman, John (EDT)
  • 原文出版社:Grove Pr
  • 出版日期:2018/10/16
  • 語言:英文

Freeman’s- Power


日本陸上自衛隊一架 AH-64D 阿帕契( Apache )攻擊直升機,2 月 5日在日本九州訓練飛行時墜毀,造成機上 2 名機師都身亡。上月底,防衛省公布失事初步報告,認為是主旋翼固定螺栓斷裂,旋翼葉片在空中飛脫,因而墜機,已再度下令全面停飛阿帕契直升機。我國使用 AH-64E 阿帕契直升機,陸軍航特部暫時不考慮停飛。

日本陸上自衛隊AH-64D 攻擊直升機 2 月5 日墜毀,並撞上民宅,造成 2 人喪生。事發之後,日本首相安倍晉三向民眾道歉,並下令剩餘 12 架阿帕契直升機停飛,直到 2 月 22 日才復飛。根據上( 5 ) 28 日公布調查報告指出,是主旋翼固定螺栓斷裂,旋翼葉片在空中飛脫,才造成墜機,已再度下令全面停飛阿帕契直升機。

由於對 AH-64E 阿帕契攻擊直升機主旋翼存在安全隱憂,美國陸軍在 4 月時決定暫停接收波音( Boeing )公司生產的 AH-64E 新機,波音公司也暫停生產阿帕契新機。雖然波音在去年 10 月已經展開重新設計主旋翼固定螺帽,但是美國陸軍仍在 2 月時決定暫停 AH-64E 的交貨,並在 3 月份擴大成「永久拒收」,直到波音更換出包的零件為止。基於安全考量,美軍的現役阿帕契機隊,也降低操作強度。

2018 年 4 月 7 日,一架隸屬 101 空降師的 AH-64E 在肯塔基州坎貝爾堡( Fort Campbell )實施例行訓練時墜毀,造成 2 名飛官殉職。

我國也是操作 AH-64E 型機,軍方官員表示,目前陸軍航特部對阿帕契的旋翼部分機件,包括螺栓與扭張力帶等,每天早晨起飛前都必須先做內視鏡檢查,才能放飛執行任務。






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